Friday, May 01, 2009

Julie & Julia - New 2009 Culinary Movie

I have nothing to say about culinary schools today. Instead...

I was able to catch the end of Hell's Kitchen last night, and saw a commercial for the new movie "Julie & Julia." That movie looks like it's going to be great! I love Meryl Streep, she's simply an amazing actress. And of course I love food and cooking and any movie about the two is going to draw me in regardless. The last one I saw was mediocre at best, what was it called...I have to Google the actors hold on..."No Reservations." They're chef coats never had a spot on them...annoyed the hell out of me.

Anyway, I'm totally looking forward to seeing Julie & Julia! It combines many things I love: food, cooking, the Internet and figuring out what to do with your life. All good stuff.
